Tag Archive for: nutrition

A Renewed Vision

A few weeks ago, I managed to getaway to Hepburn Springs thanks to winning a retreat organised by Carer’s Victoria. I was so grateful for that time away by myself, and I used the time to reflect on my journey with The Sacred Nest so far; and the direction that I wanted my next steps to take. During my reflections I came across several sculptures of nests, some photos of which are attached to this post. Each time I saw one, I was reminded of the inspiration behind the creation and naming of The Sacred Nest, which helped to renew my original vision for the space.

For me, a nest symbolises nurturing, home and family. What I find so amazing is how a collection of dried-up twigs, leaves, dirt and other discarded materials, with the right intention, can be placed to fit together to create a stable structure and home. Each nest is totally unique and imperfect, providing a tangible example of how our families and homes come in many different forms and experiences.

And so – in May 2021, four years after opening The Sacred Nest, my time to reflect has renewed my passion to provide a welcoming environment that provides programs that support families and carers to create happier nests! Although all visitors and families are welcome, The Sacred Nest was created with carers in mind, to provide a place of support and inclusion where children of all abilities are welcome and cherished. I am currently creating some exciting children’s programs which will hopefully be ready for the next school holidays so stay tuned to our Facebook page! For carers, this week I hosted my first Carer Support Circle, and it felt amazing to finally see one of my visions become a reality. I hope that I can use my experiences to help other carers where I can.

Since opening The Sacred Nest, I have completed training to become a qualified Stillness Meditation Therapy (SMT) Teacher, a Therapeutic Touch Practitioner and postgraduate studies in Nutrition to compliment my Food Science qualifications. I am currently training to deliver the Safe Sound Protocol from The Sacred Nest, more details on that coming soon.  My intention is to combine my personal experiences, my professional knowledge and my compassionate nature to provide a holistic approach to health and wellbeing.

So, in 2021, The Sacred Nest will deliver some exciting new programs, some of which are listed below:

  • Carer Support Circle (monthly)
  • Stillness Meditation (1:1, group sessions and courses)
  • Family Meditation Sessions (parent and child (all ages))
  • The Nourished Nest – nutrition programs for gut-health & special needs
  • Therapeutic Touch (relaxation treatment)
  • Safe Sound Protocol (auditory intervention program to lower anxiety)
  • Children’s Meditation & Yoga

I look forward to welcoming you to The Sacred Nest one day soon!

Cynthia Bartolo


Using Nature to Boost your Immune System

ONLINE EVENT:  Using Nature to Boost your Immune System

Good nutrition is essential for a healthy body, mind and immune system.

In this webinar you will learn simple, natural and evidence based strategies to help keep your immune system in fighting form through this winter season, using natural ingredients that you can find in your kitchen!

Date:            Saturday, June 6th at 3.00pm
Duration:    1.5+ hours with plenty of time for Q&A.
Cost:            $35, includes a handout and a recipe document which will be                            emailed to you prior to the event.

To reserve your place, Book Here.

About Marieke….

Marieke Rodenstein is a Holistic Dietitian, Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Practitioner with extensive knowledge and over 15 years of experience in her field.

She has worked as a holistic dietitian in the Netherlands, India and Sydney and has run her private practice in Melbourne for the past 8 years.

Marieke holds a Bachelors degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of The Hague in The Netherlands and has completed the ADAPT Functional Medicine training through the Kresser Institute in the USA. She is also a certified GAPS practitioner and Mindd practitioner, has contributed to books by Sarah Wilson and Michelle Bridges, and was a long standing expert for Sarah Wilson’s “I Quit Sugar” program.