A Time to Nest

This is a time to nest. Time to not only get the physical jobs done around the home, but also for resting our body and for self-reflection. We may never get an opportunity like this again to really connect with ourselves, our children and others in the home. As I have quoted elsewhere on my website, a nest is a beautiful symbol of nurturing, patience and love. Although the love is always there, the busyness of modern life puts demands on us that often strains our patience and leaves less and less time for nurturing. I believe, and I hope, that over the coming weeks after we all adjust to our new routines, we will discover a new way of connecting to our homes, our families and most importantly to ourselves.

In light of this, I thought that I would share some of the things that I have found helpful over the past few years …


  • Read a book that inspires you, and those you have been waiting for the time to read
  • Take an online course that interests you
  • Recommence a creative hobby or try something new
  • Just rest! 10-20 minutes of quiet reflection/meditation as listed under the Spirit section. This really is exercise for you brain and nervous system to learn how to slow down and process information and emotions better. It even helps improve immunity! The ‘Insight Timer’ app is a good place to start and is free if you need some guidance.


  • Walking, whilst maintaining the recommended distance from others
  • Exercise at home, be creative!
  • Yoga – join the online streaming classes of the wonderful Maya.Earth 
  • Cooking recipes that nourish your body and improve your immune system. e.g. Bone Broths


  • Spend 10 minutes in meditation/quiet reflection each day, increasing the length of time when you are ready
  • Write in a journal regularly
  • Read or watch online the following inspirational authors:
      • Eckhart Tollé, Brené Brown, Deepak Chopra– or whatever inspires you


  • Cleaning, de-cluttering and organising your home
  • Learn new habits that will help the environment. e.g. Reducing plastics
  • Research and implement strategies to reduce the toxic load in your home. Recommended reading: “Low Tox Life” by Alexx Stuart & “Healthy Home Healthy Family” by Nicole Bijlsma
  • Gardening around your home or just spending time in the garden
  • Setting up or tending to indoor plants that help filter your air. e.g. Peace Lily
  • Start a home veggie patch – grow your own organic vegetables

I cannot stress enough how much food and nutrition impact the gut and immune system, and how much this understanding has helped me personally. I will be positing some recipes soon, such as tasty healing broths that you can make at home to drink or use in your other cooking. For those who need some support and guidance, I am available for Gut Health Consultations over Zoom or Facetime. Bookings are available on the ‘Services’ page, or feel free call or email me. An online presentation on boosting immunity and the current pandemic is coming soon also.

In the meantime, gargle with warm water and either lemon, apple cider vinegar or salt if you feel any irritation or pain in your throat. This can help to ward off any illnesses before they move any further.

Keep yourself, your family, your pets and your home healthy, safe and connected… I wish you all many blessings!


Pathways to Stillness

I am so excited to reveal my new ‘Pathways to Stillness’ program, which invites participants to experience a diverse range of practices that lead to stillness. Each week we will explore a different modality, allowing you to discover which practice resonates best for you.

Some of the practices we will explore include:
– Guided Meditation
– Stillness Meditation
– Sound Meditation
– Yoga Nidra
– Pranayama (Breathing techniques)
– Chair Yoga and other gentle yoga styles

With each session you will discover the challenges that you may face, as well as the guidance to move through them. Join our welcoming community as we explore the pathways together within the serene, nurturing space of The Sacred Nest.